What the next president will do, what Clarence Thomas will say, and what it takes to be Middle Class: Sphere Consulting’s TenCount for October 24, 2016

Two weeks (+1 day) to the election, and everyone wants to know what the new president is going to do – whoever he or she is. On Monday, the Middle East Institute hosts a noon discussion on “Middle East and Regional Transition, Terrorism and CVE: What the Next President Will Face,” and in the afternoon… Continue reading


Mud-wrestling, an Italian feast and hacking the Presidential election: Sphere Consulting’s TenCount for October 17, 2016

The third and final presidential debate takes place on Wednesday in Las Vegas. While there are no current plans to have an actual mud pit onstage, stranger things have already happened in this election season. Over the weekend, Donald Trump said the candidates should have to take drug tests at the debate. For those trying… Continue reading


The Middle Class, Foreign Policy and the Constitution Under Siege: Sphere Consulting’s TenCount for October 10, 2016

Happy Columbus Day! Congress remains on the road, but the Supreme Court is in full swing and the Bureaucracy – err, Executive Branch – never goes anywhere. Absent another hurricane, much of the week will be spent deconstructing Sunday’s Presidential Town Hall and previewing the third and final debate, scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 19. We’re… Continue reading


One branch of government out, another in, and a third relaxes on the lawn: Sphere’s TenCount for Oct. 3, 2016

They struck a budget deal, voted to override a presidential veto, and then Congress skedaddled, leaving Washington until after the election. When they return, sometime after Nov. 8, they will have a few familiar items on their plate: reaching a budget deal (the current plan extends through Dec. 9), possibly amending that bill that they… Continue reading


Debate time, budget time and Federal Reserve time: Sphere’s TenCount for Sept. 26, 2016

Fifty-six years after John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon squared off in the first televised presidential debate, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will go head-to-head on Monday night at Hofstra University on Long Island in a debate that, according to some estimates, could draw as many as 100 million viewers. Congress failed to reach agreement… Continue reading
