The Judicial Branch Weighs In On the New Trump Administration, Plus More Cabinet Votes

Whew! And that was just week one. The new president launched a flotilla of executive orders, including a hotly debated immigration ban, played hardball with Mexico on trade, and talked with the leaders of Britain, Mexico, Russia, Germany, Japan, France and Australia. His “extreme vetting” order drew the Judicial Branch into the fray, while the… Continue reading


Executive Orders, Cabinet Confirmations and a Foreign Visitor

President Trump’s first full week in office will feature a stream of executive orders from the Oval Office and a raft of confirmation votes and hearings by the Senate. Expect an announcement of an executive branch hiring freeze, a five-year ban on lobbying by transition and executive officials, and a reinstatement of the “Mexico City… Continue reading


Countdown to Inauguration, Another Raft of Confirmation Hearings and The Trump Doctrine: Sphere Consulting’s TenCount for January 16, 2017

It’s Inauguration Week! Government offices are closed Monday for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and much of the city is shut down on Friday for the Inauguration festivities for the 45th President, Donald J. Trump. In between are another half dozen confirmation hearings for Trump Cabinet appointees, and on Saturday the city will play host… Continue reading


Trump’s Cabinet Picks, A Fourth-Quarter Cooling, and Population Shifts Across the U.S. –

All is quiet on the Potomac this week, with Members of Congress back home in their districts, President Obama in Hawaii and the members of the Supreme Court off until January 6. Think tanks and trade associations have emptied out as well, and with Christmas and New Year’s Day falling on Sundays this year, little… Continue reading


The Future of Lobbying, the War on Regulation, and the Wild Blue Yonder: Sphere Consulting’s TenCount for December 19, 2016

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! It’s likely to be a slow week in Washington, with next to nothing happening after Wednesday. There is less than a month to go in the Obama Administration, plenty of time for the Dow to continue its assault on the 20,000 level. Or will it wait for the Trump Administration?… Continue reading
